Frequently Asked Questions about Concrete Lifting

Why did my concrete sink in the first place?
Concrete slabs such as sidewalks or driveways can sink for many reasons:
- the soil underneath washed away from rain or lawn watering
- surface cracks in the concrete allowed water through which degraded the soil underneath
- when the concrete was initially poured, the soil underneath was too loose which caused sinking when it compacted over time
- rodents dug holes under the concrete, deteriorating the integrity of the soil and allowing water in
- etc
How long does it take?
Length of time is dependent on the size of the job. Many jobs take between 1 – 3 hours but can take longer for larger areas, and is dependent on the company you hire. Definitely much shorter than removal and pouring new concrete!
Is mudjacking the same as concrete lifting?
Yes, the terms mudjacking, slabjacking, concrete lifting and concrete leveling are all commonly used to refer to the same process of pumping a substance underneath a concrete slab (such as a driveway, sidewalk, patio, garage floor, warehouse floor, etc) to raise and level it. Decades ago, actual mud was used for the process, which is how the term ‘mudjacking’ came about. Nowadays, a specially formulated grout or polyurethane foam are usually used.
How long before we can use the area again?
One of the great things about slabjacking is how quickly the area can be used again. In most cases it can be walked on immediately. Heavier use depends on which lifting method was used. In the case of grout, usual recommendations for heavier use such as driving on a driveway are to wait 24 to 48 hours. With polyurethane foam, the time can be as short as a few hours although you need to check with each individual company.
Will concrete lifting fix my surface cracks?
No, the concrete lifting process does not fix any surface cracks. It simply ‘lifts’ the concrete back into place.
My driveway has a lot of cracks. Can it still be lifted?
When you have significantly cracked driveways or other concrete slabs, the answer can be ‘no’. During lifting, the cracked portions may lift unevenly creating problems. Call your local concrete lifting companies to get their opinion as to whether the cracking is too severe to allow for concrete lifting services.