If you are looking to get dentures, it is important to make sure that your new set of teeth fits comfortably and securely. The right fit can help ensure that your dentures last longer and work better for eating, speaking and smiling. Here are some tips on what to look for when getting dentures.

First off, be sure to visit a reputable denturist or denture clinic that has experience in fitting dentures. They will take measurements of your mouth as well as create impressions so the dental lab knows how the teeth should fit into place. When selecting the type of material for your false teeth, there are several options available including resin-based composite materials or porcelain-fused-to-metal which offer different levels of strength and durability depending on individual needs. You may also want to consider opting for implants if you need extra stability when wearing the denture plate. Lastly, make sure you discuss any expected changes with the denture specialist, such as further tooth loss or jawbone erosion since these factors could affect how secure your dentures stay in place over time.

The list below contains the top rated denturists and denture clinics in London and surrounding area.

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Nolan Denture Clinic

Gillooly Denture Clinics

London West Denture Clinic

Smiles Denture Care Centre

Conrad Denture Clinic

Linda Veal Denture Clinic

London Denture Clinic & Hearing Care

Pratt Denture Clinics

Brian Kyle DD – Denturist

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Yonge & Davisville Denture Clinic